neverending story?

EPISODE 3 /// Spirals with Tonje Ettesvoll
Guest: Frode Ettesvoll

Neverending Story? In the first part of this candid two-part episode, Tonje invites her brother Frode for a heartfelt chat about their rough childhood.

Join Tonje and her brother Frode for a raw and honest look at their past. Part 2 is on the way, where they keep exploring.

After the episode you can hear the song 12 Days from Tonje’s newly released album with Unicorn.

Hosted on Acast.

Tonje, a compassionate voice on a mission, engages in transformative conversations with survivors, experts, therapists, her own child, and even those who have caused harm – all with the aim of crafting better strategies to reduce the alarming rates of sexual abuse and childhood trauma.

How do you navigate the delicate terrain of discussing trauma?

Tonje, a survivor of childhood abuse, embarks on a healing journey, contemplating whether the cycle of intergenerational trauma can morph into a spiral. As she discovers her own emotional immaturity, she explores the concept of "traumaing" – reacting to triggers and feeling unsafe. But the big question lingers: How does this impact those around her? Can shedding light on the healing process help the children of traumatized parents endure their own struggles? Perhaps, by addressing trauma early, we can even prevent its occurrence through discussions in schools.

Hurt People, Hurt People.

When we find ourselves on the path to healing, is it possible to break free from the shackles of intergenerational trauma? Tonje ponders the notion of avoiding causing harm to others when one's own healing journey has not yet commenced. Could open conversations with our closest relationships transform the cycle into a spiral? Acknowledging that some of our trauma inevitably affects those around us, Tonje emphasizes the importance of sharing the message that they are not to blame. This act of understanding might just be the catalyst needed to initiate their healing, potentially preventing a prolonged cycle of pain and confusion.

Join Tonje in the empowering journey of "Breaking Chains, Building Spirals," where conversations become catalysts for healing, understanding, and breaking free from the binds of intergenerational trauma.


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